Monday, December 29, 2008

Twilight Twilight Twilight!

Wow, the first new post in 3 months! Mostly I haven't posted because no one reads this anyway, but sometimes (like now) I just need a venue to get out the shite that's in my head. Without further ado, today's topic will be... TWILIGHT!

So I started the book the night before Thanksgiving and had finished all 4 by the next weekend. Recently I read Stephenie's draft of Midnight Sun which made me want to read Twilight again. Alas, the night I got it back from the friend I had lent it to, his girlfriend read the preface and got sucked in so I let her borrow it. :( I consoled myself by reading New Moon again which I finished last night. Oh, and I've seen the movie 3 times already, the last being Christmas day, and will see it probably at least once a month until it's out of theatres. Seriously, I could watch it at least 5 more times before it's gone.

I didn't like the movie too much at first, though like the book it was addicting, but after reading Midnight's so much more to the film. Watching it now, it's clear that Catherine Hardwicke and Rob Pattinson had access to the draft -there's a lot of subtlety to the film that's hard to pick up on without that knowledge...or maybe I'm just projecting stuff. Who knows? Anyway, I'm excited to see Chris Weitz's vision for New Moon and being the person that I am (wannabe director) I'm planning out scenes for it in my head. I hope Chris doesn't disappoint and moreover, I hope that my vision doesn't bias me against his. It would be a dream to direct one of these movies (except for Eclipse; I don't think I could do that one).

So many topics to talk about: actors/acting, the books, the writing, my favorite scenes (books and movie).... This will probably keep me going for a while, especially since I live in the US and couldn't watch the Doctor Who Christmas Special -working on that angle though.

I just read a Twilighter's experience at a mall signing with Rob Pattinson in CA and oh my hell I'm laughing my ass off! Well, most of the story sucks until the end when she meets Rob -that's funny right there. Just had to share that. Alright enough talk for now.


Anonymous said...

I'm an almost-addict and I understand completely. You should direct it if you are planning the scenes out. :-)


Pip said...

Yes I should! :P

Anonymous said...

You goober. No one reads this... B.S. I do! :)

I didn't know you wanted to direct. That's pretty cool.

Hey, you should come hang out with me over at's new community. I'm over there a lot and we can chat as often as you like!

We're in a new house now, and if you ever want to come see us, just do it! :)

I haven't seen the movie or read the books. I guess I'm really out of the loop these days. But I hear some really good reviews about them -- especially the books.

Take care, Elena