Monday, February 23, 2009


Okay, just a little blurb about the Academy Awards. THANK GOD Heath Ledger got Best Supporting Actor -we were going to have to boycott the Oscars from now on if he hadn't. That said, WTF people. Dark Knight was definitely one of the best movies of the year and it won only 1 award -for sound editing. And Wall-E should have won one of the sound categories too. Arrgh. anyway.

Here's my beef: Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Everyone I know who's seen it had said "it's's good, but..." Everyone I know who saw Dark Knight? "That was totally wicked!" or something similar :) Benjamin Button came out in the last week of the year and overshadowed all these other great movies that came out last spring/summer. From now on, if a movie comes out after November, it shouldn't be counted until the next year's award season. And this now segues into inconsistancy -they award the movies that came out in the calendar year, but when they do the tribute to those who have died, it's only those who died since the last Oscars' broadcast. I was expecting to see Heath's tribute since he died in calendar year 2008 but no. Moving on.

I was happy to see Kate Winslet finally win, she is a great actress. And hopefully Anne Hathaway can win next year. I guess I'll have to go see Slumdog Millionaire now since apparently it's the best movie of the year. Oh and kudos to the academy on Robert Downey Jr's nom for Tropic Thunder -completely surprising since it was a comedy! The Academy really really really needs to get away from only honoring dramas and "artsy-fartsy" movies. Sure sure, actions get their squeeze in too, but when will they learn that comedies have their place too?** Talk to any actor and they'll tell you that comedy is much harder to do than drama. But oh well, cheers for now.

**Yes, I know I used "too" twice in a sentence, but I don't feel like editing it. Instead, I'd rather write this little note that takes much more time and effort. Kinda like the joke about the mom who writes a letter to her son with the postscript that she was going to send him money but the envelope was already sealed.

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