Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Funny Hate Mail on Mormon Curtain

Saw this email on Mormon Curtain and I just had to internally respond to it -kinda funny.

From: hatethehaters
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 12:49 PM
Subject: Holy Crap!

Holy Crap!!!

What a bunch of whining, childish, stupidity. Oh, and dishonest too.

To all you mormon hating whiners:

One: You're not special or new; mormon haters have been around since 1820.
Have they? Joe Smith "may" have had his "First Vision" in 1820, but Mormonism wasn't around until 1828 when Joe claimed to have found those golden plates.

Two: You are not modern day gnostics You don't have any special knowledge. Most of the your "anti" crap has been around for 150 years; disproved and debunked and exposed as lies over and over again but it doesn't stop mormon haters from recycling it over and over again. The kinderhook plates? The golden pot? Give us a break! It seems that nothing stops a mormon hater from believing anything that supports his hatred. And nothing stops a Mormon from believing anything that supports his Mormonism. I wonder what about the Kinderhook plates makes this person believe it has been debunked or exposed as lies? Actually, again I could take their statement and turn it around on them: Most of the "mormon" crap [just using the author's words] has been around for 150 years; disproved and debunked and exposed as lies (fiction) over and over again but it doesn't stop Mormons from recycling it over and over again.

Three: Condemning members of the church for their faults is like condemning the patients in the hospital for being sick or injured. If you don't understand the metaphor, never mind.

Four: "" is available. Why don't you show a little honesty and change your site name? Unfortunately, the more self-descriptive "" is not available to you -pity.

Five: As far as coming back: don't bother. You will never be able to undo the damage you have done and you will never be able to take back the help you have given Satan in his efforts to destroy this work. You belong to him now. File this Email under "stuff to read while I'm lifting up my eyes in hell"
Wow. Really feelin the love of Christ there. Yep, Mormons believe that some people can never be forgiven, which if you ask me is exactly the opposite of Christ. Wasn't it Alma the Younger (in the BoM) who went around blaspheming against God saying how nobody should listen and follow him -then bam, one day he is visited by an angel , completely changes his ways and becomes one of the greatest proselytizers? "Nevertheless, after wading through much tribulation, repenting nigh unto death, the Lord in mercy has seen fit to snatch me out of an everlasting burning, and I am born of God." (Mosiah 27:28) To me, that verse always said that no matter what, God still loves you, and you can repent and be forgiven. But apparently, I was wrong!

I hope it's refreshing to find out that, although most mormons are always ready to offer you the proverbial hand of friendship (which I know you find annoying), there are a few of us who will only offer you a proverbial hand clenched into a proverbial fist and aimed at your proverbial nose. Again, the love of Christ is totally evident here... Here's the math: it's OK to hate evil; traitors and persecutors of the truth are evil; therefore I hate you. What about when Jesus said "Some have said hate your enemies, but I say love your enemies"??? Matt 5:44, 46-47 "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? “If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?" Luke 6:29 “Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either. "

Bye now.

I hear what you're saying "this person isn't representative of all Mormons". Of course I wouldn't assume that, but knowing what I know of LDS mentality and seeing what I've seen on the Christian/Mormon websites, a LOT of LDS -on the internet- are exactly like this. And it's sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a GREAT article debunk! :) Way to go. :)

All the quotes from Jesus I find particularly pertinent.

Why do so many "Christians" not understand the God they are supposed to worship?