Friday, September 19, 2008

Has anyone else ever heard of Amy Arena?

Last night Paul and I started talking -again- about Amy Arena. It's all his fault, he said "and then" and it just popped into my head! Since we both discovered and loved her long before we ever met each other, and given how obscure she is in the mainstream music scene, I was (once again) commenting how cosmic it is that we each found someone who even knows who she is, let alone likes her stuff. Then Paul said my next blog should be about her - so here it is. I googled her today to find out what she's been up to lately and apparently she's finished a new solo CD but no idea when it's coming out. Arrgh.

So I just wanted to know if anyone else had ever heard of her, or give some feedback if you get a chance to hear any of her stuff (there's a sampling on her website). I personally am really excited for the new album and eagerly await it!

You rock Amy!

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